Safe Place

This is a blog of sorts. I dump things here and look back at them when I want to reflect. If anyone ever stumbles upon it, you're welcome to stay a while and chat, leave comments or whatever.

Journal Entry #5

So, this morning I woke up in my mom's bed and went to school and stuff. Then every class was normal. But I was EXHAUSTED BEYOND BELIEF!!!!!

In Miss Paula’s class we finished Lord of the Flies, and boy was that ending crazy and depressing! I really liked the characters that died! AND I HATE JACK SO MUCH! Poor Piggy!

Anyway, I was falling asleep in most classes. And in math was certainly the worst. Anyways, I went to Mad's house after school since she had stayed home to help her mom who is in fact sick and pregnant.

Oh yeah. Before that, in the car on the way home, me and Silvia had a conversation about sixth-grade drama, and the Petersons. She's having issues with Bean. Mark had also double-flipped her off, so she gave him the flip-off with the elbow, and he gave her a hand gesture meaning f***. (With the thumb thrusting into the other hand's fingers.) No idea what was going on there, it's just what Silvia had told me in the car.

When I got to Mad's house we hung out for a bit. I helped out with the babies as well, and talked to Ellianor for a few minutes. Me and Mad had a sloppy-hate-make out in her room, with her cosplaying as Eridan. My lips are still a little sore.

Silvia covered her face in stickers, and I had a gray star-shaped sticker stuck to my bottom lip for a while. We got into Mad's makeup later, and I did Silvia's and Kelli's. Silvia modified her's, though.

Rita was adorable; Silvia put her in one of her own T-Shirts, which was obviously way too big on her, and she ran around cheerfully. Every now and then she would say an actual word, and it was too cute with her slightly hoarse voice (from her cold). I helped Mad put Rita to sleep later. I sung her "It's Always Summer" from Game of Thrones, and she fell right to sleep.