Safe Place

This is a blog of sorts. I dump things here and look back at them when I want to reflect. If anyone ever stumbles upon it, you're welcome to stay a while and chat, leave comments or whatever.

Journal Entry #6

Welp. I just realized that I can write this in the morning, before school. SON OF A B****!

But then, there's no way I can write all of the words right now, when I only have a half-hour before carpool arrives and I also don't have anything to write about except:

I woke up to my alarm, deciding to snooze until 6:49, when Joey began to take a shower. I muttered, "G-d, noooo" and waited until seven o'clock, when I jumped out of bed and into the used shower. Half way I realized I had left my alarm on, and I didn't have my brush. So I went to fix that. On my way back to the bathroom, Joey came out of his room and said, "What the hell?" So I replied, "Teehee!"

And that's pretty much it. Welp, School Sleepover, here I come. I really hope this is a good one.
