Safe Place

This is a blog of sorts. I dump things here and look back at them when I want to reflect. If anyone ever stumbles upon it, you're welcome to stay a while and chat, leave comments or whatever.

Teaser Selection from "The Tell-Tale Face"

 A book I started back in 6th grade, called The Tell-Tale Face... Full of sarcasm, action, romance and references, what could be better? Here's a small piece of the sweetcake:

The doors closed. Simultaneously, the lights in the elevator went out. Mann gasped, and grabbed the object nearest her; which happened to be Milo’s arm. She quickly let go, and Milo brushed off his arm. “Ew,” he thought. “She touched me.”

“What happened to the lights?” She asked, her voice panicked.

“How should I know?”

And a bit from way later on, excerpted from a part which I haven't actually gotten up to yet:

"Tell us what you saw!" Mann screamed, desperately.
"I can't!" Tears leaked down Milo's cheaks. Everything depended on this, and he was going to fail them all. Everyone would die, and the calling would be lost forever. If only he knew how to use his faculty to its fullest potential... If only there was more time.

But even that wasn't available now. Lock wasn't with them anymore.

Wait. In theory, Milo has the answers to everything, right? It was worth a shot. He closed his eyes again, and concentrated. Then shouted with every ounce of air left in his lungs:

The hell is it this time, kid?

The voice echoed all around the darkness in his head. "What- what do I do with this information? Why can't I tell them what you told me??"

Milo. This wouldn't be a story if I told you the solutions to your personal struggles. You wouldn't grow if I did. Go and use your own head, there's still time. I can't kill off my main character, after all. 

An explosion rang in his ears, and he crouched down, covering them. He saw Mann collapsed at the edge of the flames, blood dripping from her nose and lips, and spilling out across the stone from her chest. Blackrose was flying back, and he hit the wall with an impact that shook the whole room. Everything blurred, tinged with the scarlet flames that edged his vision. Milo steadied himself, then ducked again as a flaming boulder flew at him from within the rocky foundation.

Only he knew what to do now.


I finally started writing this story again, after all this time. Wish me luck, anyone reading this. Please, I'm going to need it.

Also, if anyone who stumbles across this wishes to collaberate with me, please feel free to leave a comment, and I'll get back to you! I would love to expand my writing style, and mostly I would love to work with someone who enjoys these genres as much as I do. Don't be shy!

(*Sadly acknowledges that no one will ever care enough to comment*)