Safe Place

This is a blog of sorts. I dump things here and look back at them when I want to reflect. If anyone ever stumbles upon it, you're welcome to stay a while and chat, leave comments or whatever.

Journal Entry #2

1-13-14 This morning I got up and did what I planned. I woke up at 6:20, took a shower, and at 6:30 I was already dressed and clean. I did sit-ups and stretched. I ate one bowl of Krave instead of two, and some potatoes and coleslaw, half as much as I usually eat. I went to school in Mad's rental mini-van, doing my Navi homework on the way. When we reached the parking lot I was struck with a bloody nose, so I ran to the bathroom where I cleaned up all the blood. I ran upstairs, telling Mrs. Kind why I was late. I prayed, today with more concentration than usual. In Mrs. Chair's class we learned about the upcoming holidays and received our packets for the month. During recess I finished my Navi homework and chatted for a bit. In Mrs. Shore's class we learned about Christian rule in Spain and took notes. It was pretty interesting, as usual in Mrs. Shore's class. I found that I was able to maintain a much longer attention span than usual. Mr. Staffman was not at school, he was with the boys on their Brian's Head trip. We had a substitute, same as last time, who again talked about miracles and the splitting of the sea. After that we had free time. Mrs. Caramel came in, passing out the folders. We practiced asking for food for Shwarma Vegas, then had a reading test. I didn't get to do it today, but will have the second half of the first page tomorrow, after Esther. Lunch break was good, I had peanut butter and jelly. Me and Mad practiced singing in the bathroom, running into Pizza and Onion Ring there. I thought of Jackie, and how she had to stay home with a fever. P.E. was dodge-ball. It was pretty fun. Then for Miss Paula's class we mixed seventh and eighth grade together. Miss Hail wasn't there at all. Sammy was the only boy, and he flirted around like usual. We all wrote a horror story in our composition notebooks. I read mine to the class, dramatically. Then we had free time, and I wrote my precept essay, basing it off of the Beatles' quote. Mad said she hated me for it, jokingly. For the last hour, Mad, River, Olivia and I helped out in the first grade classroom. We read a story about masks, and then sketched our own on paper. As we were leaving, a girl I was working with said to Mad, "Bye creepy eyes!" and giggled. Mad was wearing her contact lenses. Cream called ponytail holders bubbles, since her mother is English. At dismissal the first-graders gathered around us, and we chatted. I saw one of the Leeroy girls, I think Shura, and waved and beamed at her. She beamed back and ran happily to the lady she was carpooling with. I got home and read some of my mom's romance novel at the kitchen table until she came downstairs, and I snuck it back to the counter without her noticing. We went to Coffee Bean and both got large chai teas, her's blended and mine a latte. We then stopped at Baby's R Us to buy gifts for her co-workers baby shower. I read Puff the Magic Dragon and almost cried. Then we found little duck feet shoes. After that, my mom read a card that said, "It's worth the waddle!" inside, and my mom thought it was ironic and funny, at least until I pointed out we were getting duck shoes and she really cracked up. We found rubber ducks to add a bit to the ironies. Then she found a bag with sewing puns on it. We put it all together and grabbed a chew toy. We checked out then left, heading home so Joey could take the car to work. I made Karkat horns and Eridan horns and talked to PMSing Pearl and also Jackie and Mad. Aaron came home, long enough to get his stuff so he can move out. I gave him a hug and said farewell. My dad was doing the trash, and he brought a trashcan in that he had left outside. It stunk up the whole house, reeking of dog s***. There was some at the bottom. Our neighbors are evil. My room still smells, even over the sunscreen and with the window open. I can't listen to music with it open. I hate whoever did that, with all my innermost inner-self. And I am done writing for the day. Tomorrow I will start a normal schedule on this thing, hopefully, and not at midnight.