Safe Place

This is a blog of sorts. I dump things here and look back at them when I want to reflect. If anyone ever stumbles upon it, you're welcome to stay a while and chat, leave comments or whatever.

Journal Entry #6

Welp. I just realized that I can write this in the morning, before school. SON OF A B****! But then, there's no way I can write all of the words right now, when I only have a half-hour before carpool arrives and I also don't have anything …

Journal Entry #5

So, this morning I woke up in my mom's bed and went to school and stuff. Then every class was normal. But I was EXHAUSTED BEYOND BELIEF!!!!! In Miss Paula’s class we finished Lord of the Flies, and boy was that ending crazy and depressing!…

Journal Entry #4

Got up. Showered. Braided hair. Good start to the day. Time to stretch! Stretched. Exercised. Now to brush my teeth, pack my bag and eat breakfast! Got to school, but misplaced Parsha packet and precept somewhere in the morning without tim…

Journal Entry #3

This morning I woke up a little later than I wanted, but that's okay. I still had time for everything besides the shower. Which is also perfectly okay because I had soccer practice later anyway. I went to school, just wishing to go back to…

Journal Entry #2

1-13-14 This morning I got up and did what I planned. I woke up at 6:20, took a shower, and at 6:30 I was already dressed and clean. I did sit-ups and stretched. I ate one bowl of Krave instead of two, and some potatoes and coleslaw, half …

Journal Entry #1

1/12/14 Today started off in a bathtub. I stared at the towering white walls, glistening in the morning sunlight. After attempting to fall back to sleep yet again, I eventually heard Stacy's alarm go off and sat up, stretching. That tub wa…